ISO 9001:2015

Since 2001, Beta LAYOUT GmbH is ISO 9001 certified.

The audit was carried out by the TÜV Saarland and confirmed with the certificate number DE24/00000022.

Certicate ISO 14001:2015

ISO 14001:2015

Since 2015, Beta LAYOUT GmbH is ISO 14001 certified.

The audit was carried out by the TÜV Saarland and confirmed with the certificate number DE24/00000023.

Authorized LDS Manufacturer

For the process of laser direct structuring, the production of 3D-MIDs is based on the quality seal “Authorized LDS Manufacturer” issued by the company LPKF.

Only manufacturers that meet high quality standards and proven to produce exclusively with appropriate, approved materials can receive this seal of approval.

This is therefore a guarantee for your product and contributes to a high standard of quality assurance.

UL certification

We have been using UL certification of printed circuit boards (PCB) since 2010 to ensure compliance with internationally relevant safety requirements for your product.

All PCBs manufactured by Beta LAYOUT are produced using a UL 796 certified process in accordance with ZPMV2 (USA).

This means that Beta LAYOUT meets all the product safety requirements demanded by our customers.

UL Certification

© 2018 UL LLC

UL certification Canada

In addition, the boards manufactured by Beta LAYOUT are also certified according to the UL ZPMV8 (Canada) process.

This means that we also meet the product safety requirements of our customers in Canada.

UL Certification Canada

© 2018 UL LLC


Since June 2015 our RFID embedding technology is UL-certified.

And so it satisfies all demands regarding product safety, which are particularly demanded in the USA and Canada.

UL Certificate of Compliance RFID