PCB in shipping: fast and reliable


Overview of lead times

Quantity Area Possible production time in working days
≥ 100 > 25 dm2 8 WD, 3 WD
< 100 > 25 dm2 5 WD, 3 WD
< 100 ≤ 25 dm2

1 WD, 3 WD,

5 WD

The first working day is considered when your order is received, with the complete and correct data.
Cut-off time for 3 WD services and longer lead-times is 10.30 am. For 1 WD service the cut-off time is 16.00 pm of the previous day. 

All times refer to the time in Germany.

The last working day is when your order leaves our house.

Weekends and holidays do not count as working days. The last WD is the working day when your order is due for dispatch from our facilities.

Quantity discounts

Order quantity Discount
5 - 9 10%
10 - 19 20%
> 20 30%
> 50 40%