Through the support of our clients, the Beta LAYOUT forest grows
April 2022: After we organised our first planting campaign in March 2021, we were able to realise another campaign at the beginning of April 2022 with the money collected from your contributions: planting new trees in the Aarbergen community forest!After a short briefing by district forester Ulrich Mohn, the planting began on a steep piece of terrain protected by a fence against browsing by game.
District forester Ulrich Möhn explains how to plant black pines
700 trees for the CO₂-neutral PCB-POOL®
This time we planted 600 oaks and 100 black pines. The area was previously occupied by spruce trees, which were destroyed by bark beetle infestation and drought. The 700 saplings are now along the "Aar-Höhenweg" hiking trail, which runs from Taunusstein to where the Aar flows into the Lahn near Diez.
Our team for the planting
Think global, act local
The Rheingau-Taunus district, where our headquarters are located, is characterised by a high proportion of forest. Dry periods and bark beetle infestation are causing more and more bare forest areas to develop there, especially in spruce and pine forests.
In order to better withstand future dry periods, the planting of more drought-resistant tree species, such as oak, is a good idea.
In these rare, shallow soils, which are typical for the area of the middle Aar valley, there are also stag beetle populations, to whose promotion we, in addition to CO₂ compensation, thus also make our contribution.