E-Test at POOL prices

November 1999: It can be safely said that with complex and densely printed circuit boards, a visual check is insufficient. In electrical testing, all connections on your printed circuit board are checked for opens and shorts.
Up until now, testing using a flying probe was inordinately expensive. The good news is however, that PCB-POOL® has dramatically cut the costs yet again! You can now have your boards electrically tested for the following prices:

Lower shipping costs

September 1999: A short but sweet message: following some hard bargaining with our courier service, we can now announce a cut in our shipping costs! This price reduction will of course be passed on in full to you our customers. The new pricing will come into effect from mid September: standard parcel service (not express) for parcel up to 2kg's - was DM 13.80 now DM 10.80

10th anniversary celebration pictures

July 1999: Many thanks for all the good wishes and gifts received and for the great party atmosphere! For the record: 350 sausages, 150 steaks and 100 Vegi-burgers were washed down with lots of Guinness! The band was superb and everyone enjoyed themselves. In short, it was a great event!

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Party time - Beta LAYOUT 10th anniversary

June 1999: On 16. July 1999 the big Beta LAYOUT party is taking place! All customers are very welcome! A great atmosphere, endless GUINNESS, succulent steaks and live band "In BETWEEN" are all on offer!

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We have reduced our delivery time

March 1999: GOOD NEWS: We have reduced our standard delivery time for doublesided POOL prototypes from approx. 15 WD to ... not 13 ... not 12 ... but approx. 10 WD ! And ... the price remains the same ! :-)) So, get yourself a copy of the new order form (included in your delivery)